Tuesday, July 06, 2004

hello, world!

It's probably not done to write about starting a blog - I should be clever, and self-directed, and just start with some wonderful words of wisdom - or at least something that I believe to be wise or creative and worth reading! But that's not me - I hum and haw around, and take a while to get to the point of what I'm thinking. Writing a blog will be a stretch for me, but a stretch that I would like to attempt. It's also partly Michael Main's fault that I'm actually doing this! :) I mentioned in an email to him that I was considering starting a blog, and this is what he said about that:
Set up a blog... write what's on your heart, in your mind, or whatever you feel like. I've always felt that if I have been "tempted" to do something creative, I should. I believe demonstrating our creativity is another way of showing our relationship with the Creator.
That is a challenge that is hard to ignore - growing in the creativity that God has birthed in me is one of the strongest desires in my life now.

I will admit to spending many hours trying to figure out how all this blogging technology works, wanting to make everything "perfect" from the outset. Having been a programmer in my BK (before kids) life, and a sometimes, amateur, wanna-be, graphics/artist type (emphasis on the amateur, wanna-be) - I had a vision of what I wanted my blog to look like. But I am awash in html/css terminology, and very little closer to creating my "blog vision", so I decided to just start. My leap of faith. So here is my "hello, world!" entry.

hello, world!


bobbie said...

isn't michael the best?!?!? he's great for help with html! :) plus many other things too, especially encouragement!

Michael said...

Gosh, I'm sure glad you're not the guy I said, "Oh put a sock in it!" too :)

Seriously...I've enjoyed much already from your first few posts.

To be in community is a wonderful thing and you need not look far to find God pointing us all in that direction.

Welcome to the community known as the blogosphere.


Anonymous said...

Thank you, Michael!

I had hoped you wouldn't mind me quoting you here from an email... I would have asked you first, but you were on vacation, and I was impatient to follow my urge to start... but since your words were so encouraging (and nice!), I figured it would probably be OK! :)