Saturday, September 17, 2005

Meeting Emergent folk tonight

We're going to our first official "Emergent" meeting tonight, the Bay Area Emergent Cohort. I've been reading Emergent and emerging church stuff online for 2 1/2 years now, but besides my friends the Toys and a few families from our church, and Chris Monroe & Benjy from Barstow, I've never met any other Emergently inclined folk.

I've been excited for weeks about this meeting, but now I'm not sure what I think. This last week was so stressful, it's hard to imagine talking about "churchy" stuff. On the other hand, that's part of the draw of emerging church discussions for me - you don't have to be "churchy".

I'm confident that it will be a good time. I always like hanging at the Toy's house (and so do my kids), so I know we'll be comfortable. I'm just not at all sure what to expect beyond that, and I'm not sure how well my husband and I will be able to relax and socialize.

In the face of such social uncertainty, I think of cooking. The meeting's a potluck, and there are people coming from all over the Bay Area - which can be a very long drive. So I'm going to fix something kinda substantial, in case most people are bringing easy to transport foods like salads or deserts. I'm planning on roasting a couple of chickens and some veggies. That'll give me something else to think about this afternoon...

Update: Argh!!! I started planning what I would cook early this morning, then dilly-dallyed around as usual... now my chickens and veggies are in the oven and I am LATE! Why do I always do that?

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