Monday, November 07, 2005

Update on two kinds of housekeeping...

First - I've blogged a couple of times about my struggle with clutter and housekeeping. I just wanted to report that I have reached a new level of freedom about getting rid of stuff. With the help of a new friend (someone who has gone through this process before), I have started a de-cluttering and de-junking program. In the last two weekends I have gone through my 25-year stash of fabric and have gotten rid of 95% of it. I am ashamed to confess that this was truly a monumental task - I couldn't believe how much fabric I had hoarded!

This leaves me with a very interesting feeling - it is very freeing, yet not all that exciting - it's just what needs to be done.

I have a specific, short-term goal for my de-cluttering this time. We are trying to make room for my father-in-law to come stay with us. It will probably only be short-term, but I want to make enough room for him to feel comfortable and welcome. This is giving me much more energy to stay focused on my de-cluttering - that and the help of my friend.

Second - some blog housekeeping. I apologize if my blog comments have been confusing for the last, oh, year or so... I thought I would be tricky and put the haloscan comment code inside the flag for turning comments on and off in Blogger. It basically worked - but I also didn't really turn off Blogger comments, so I've had both being used. My apologies to those who left their comments in Blogger but never saw them show up on the blog itself. They do show up if you click in just the right place (the time stamp for the blog entry), but they don't look like they are there otherwise.

I have had a strange reluctance to delve back into the template code to fix this up. As a former programmer, I thought when I started blogging that playing around with and doing "housekeeping" on my blog would be really fun. Instead, I find it very hard to face messing with. I also struggle with replying to comments left to me - not that I don't appreciate them! I do!!! While I sometimes reply quite verbosely, I usually just get all shy and weirdly introverted - my desire to respond somehow taps into my shame issues and I get all stopped up...

All of that to say - I am now consistently getting peppered with comment spam through my Blogger comments. Just a steady enough trickle to be really annoying. So pretty soon I will need to either a) really turn off the Blogger comments and just use haloscan, or b) switch completely to Blogger comments and add in the word verification option. I'm not sure which way I will go, but there will probably some kind of housekeeping changes going on here at TatteredThoughts in the near future.

1 comment:

bobbie said...

woo hoo! great news - what you're going to find is what we've come to learn is that it starts to take care of itself. when there is a place to put things back, and the home is not so cluttered it actually stays much cleaner.

i'm so proud of you - keep going. we're purging lots here too because of the move.

cool info about anne rice - thanks, looking forward to reading the book - now i know she wrote it to honor god it's even better!