Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Things I'm thinking about: Summer plans

  • My husband, the girls and I are heading to my parents' house for a 10-day stay tomorrow. It's going to be a very long drive through some very hot country-sides, and I haven't finished packing yet.
  • I need to gather up a bunch of my beading supplies to take with me on our trip. I'm hoping to spend some time there playing with beads - though I often have that plan when I head there for a visit, and usually end up busy with other stuff or just hanging and watching TV.
  • It's going to be very hot in the desert. Thank you, God, for air-conditioning.
  • The summer is going to go by very fast. After we return from the desert, the girls will be in some swim lessons and a music camp. After the three weeks of camp and lessons, there will only be 3 1/2 weeks left before school starts again. And I will probably start working again even before school starts.
  • I think that I am going to try to sign up for the 2nd day of the BlogHer conference, unless it sells out before I can decide. The first day is already filled, but the second day's seminars really caught my eye. I can't really afford it - but I'm thinking of going to the seminar on building a craft business using a blog, and I could use some of my meager profits from past jewelry sales to pay for the registration. It would be an investment in my business, right? Or is that just an excuse to get to go see some of these women in person that I've only read about... and would that be such a bad thing?
  • If I do go to BlogHer Day Two, the problem is that I want to go to all the seminars offered during the first session - almost more than any of the other ones offered the rest of the day! Practically all of the seminars would be interesting in some way, though...
  • I want to clean my house this summer. Housecleaning is my nemesis, or has been. I am hoping to remember the energy that I felt cleaning the library in the last week, and translate that into cleaning my own house. I desperately need a good, deep spring cleaning, followed by some re-arranging of how space is used to match the way we live now that the kids are getting older and my father-in-law has moved in with us.

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