Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Unstructured Time

Does anyone else struggle to stay moving and at all productive when you have unstructured time? Any tips?

Going back to work part-time in the last year and a half has been really good for me. I love the rhythm that the part-time work schedule has brought to my life. It helped me make major leaps and bounds out of the stuckness and vague depression that used to grip my life and left me sitting in front of my computer for hours on end.

I am thrilled to work in the school system and to be home with my kids during the summer, I really value being home with them. But I am feeling very stuck again right now. I'm staying up WAY too late at night, sleeping in too much, and it's hard to get up from my computer... There are things that I really want and need to do before we get back into the school year busyness in a couple of weeks, but I'm having a hard time getting things done while I have the time.

So I'd love to hear any tips! Though if you tell me that you simply decide to do what needs to be done and you just do it - I'll praise God that there are people in the world who are able to do that, but I'm really hoping to hear some tips from people like me who aren't sure that method will ever work in their lives...

1 comment:

Chris Monroe said...

Here are a couple of suggestions:

1) go to bed early and get up early so that you can get in a little exercise.

2) If you're not already doing so, begin "praying the offices", especially first thing in the morning and last thing before sleep. Establishing a "rhythm" to your life in this way has far-reaching benefits.

I'll sure be praying for you as you come to mind. Blessings to you!

- Chris Monroe