Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Playing Around with Blogger

It's been really hard to write recently, as the scarcity of blog posts here over the last few months can attest to. But the lure of new whiz-bang gadgets and simple editing led me to convert to the new Blogger Beta today. This may be kinda fun, and I'm hoping it will help to kick-start those half-formed posts lurking at the back of my mind.

My one dilemna is what to do with the now dis-connected haloscan comments. I probably won't have the time to figure out how to move them over into this newer version of my blog - so I apologize if I have left behind a comment that you made here. I have treasured all of them.


Chris said...

david - not sure if your question is serious or rhetorical - but you prompted a long blog post from me! :)

david said...

no i was serious . . . good! . . . i think??

Chris said...

it's all good! :)