Monday, January 24, 2005

It's not really a corporate office...

I may be applying for a part-time job tomorrow. I worked all day on my cover letter and resume, but I'm going to sleep on it tonight, and pray, and see how I feel in the morning.

This is very confusing for me, coming only weeks on the heels of my conversation with my pastor about what my calling is, about being willing to wait on God. The job wouldn't be the "corporate office" of my old career - it's with a faith-based community services organization (though it would be a form of office work). It's also part-time (I think I would be able to work during my girls' school hours) and temporary, only through the end of June, so wouldn't impact the girls' summer vacation too much.

My hesitation is that even a part-time job will require a huge adjustment to our routines, and developing good routines has not been a strong point in my life the last few years. Well, really, I'm just not sure what the "right thing" for me, for our family, is. But - from this standpoint - this job seems like a perfect fit. The right hours, ends only a little after school lets out for the summer, decent pay for this kind of job, I feel qualified, and it's for a cause that I can whole-heartedly believe in.

I think I'll be sending that resume in the morning. It may all be for naught - the job has already been advertised for quite a few days, and I'm sure they'll be getting a plentiful response to their advertisement - but I think I'll be walking past this point of fear, and seeing what happens.

Well, I'll see how I feel in the morning...

Update 1/25/05: I sent the email this morning - but I'm sure they've had a ton of responses already, so I don't expect much. It's been a good experience for me, though, just to get to this point.

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