Sunday, September 11, 2005

Is it possible?

I just updated some software on my computer, including a new version of itunes. When I restarted my computer, there was some kind of pop-up add about new music and dvds... I saw an offer for a free view of the new Simple Minds video, and I thought "I think I remember them, that might be interesting...", so I clicked through to watch it.

As I'm waiting for the page to load, I'm trying to recall why I remember this band, why it's triggering something inside... then the image of their video comes to me, the one that I watched on MTV so many times, years ago. What was that song? The guy stood in a room with stuff strewn all around him, and there was something else...

The page has finally loaded, and I click to watch the video. Wait. Who are these old men? This can't be the band I remember!

I go on a quick internet search, and I realize that the song I was remembering was "Don't You Forget About Me" from "The Breakfast Club" - there were scenes from the movie interspersed in the video. The video was from 1985, the year that my husband and I were married.

My brain does the math, and goes immediately into disconnect mode - a feeling like two opposing magnets. If those young men from that earlier video look that much older in only twenty years... Is it possible that I have aged similarly in almost twenty years of marriage? I don't feel that old! Honest, I don't...

Oh, help!

I think it's going to be an interesting fall, as I approach this anniversary...

1 comment:

Hope said...

I hear you. Today is the 24th anniversary of my engagement to my husband. Some days I feel a quarter of a century older but I sure hope I don't look it!! But I do. Sigh...