Wednesday, September 14, 2005


It's been a wild couple of days. My husband hasn't been feeling well for a week or so, but he only admitted it on Monday and made an appointment to see his doctor for this morning. He was struggling with indigestion, nausea, shortness of breath, stomach and chest pain, and anxiety. Only we didn't end up just waiting until his appointment - last night he was so sick I had to take him to the emergency room, where we spent over 4 hours getting tests run. Thankfully, it wasn't any kind of acute problem requiring surgery or something like that. In the early morning hours they finally sent us home after giving my husband some antacid and a vicodan. We were exhausted, and so were the friends who had run over to stay with our kids while we went to the hospital. Good friends like that are a blessing!

This morning we kept that doctor's appointment after all, and she basically told my husband that this illness was his body's way of telling him that prolonged unemployment is very, very stressful. She offered him some choices to consider for ways to get some help with the stress and anxiety, and some recommendations for medications to help with the acid problems associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. He slept all day today and was finally, with the help of the medication, able to eat some pureed veggie soup tonight without feeling horribly ill. He's looking much better.

After getting my husband settled, I worked all day at my new job. Though the job should be pretty even-keeled in the long run, it's pretty stressful right now trying to come up to speed and get the library ready for checking out books by next week. I got a chance to spend some time with the old librarian today and that helped a lot. I'm hopeful that I will be able to get everything functional in the next couple of days. Right now, I'm just really looking forward to getting a full night's sleep.


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